5 Ways to Increase Your Customers' Lifetime Value

Increasing your customers' lifetime value will have a huge impact on your bottom line

We're sharing our best apps, tech tools and techie tips to help!

1. Increase average order value

Use cross-sell and upsell apps to recommend related products

Do this at checkout or on the product page

2. Keep customers ENGAGED with regular (non-salesy) contact

We love Postoplan for social media scheduling... Convertkit or mailerlite for emails Klaviyo for ecommerce emails BLOG!!! Google My Business Posts

3. Reward your SUPERFANS!

Use Affiliate apps and plugins to give your best customers their own codes

4. Remind them

Use abandoned cart emails, product recommendation sequences in emails and retargeted ads to remind them of their purchases

5. Offer incentives to spend more...

Offer free shipping, discount codes, discounts for bulk purchases

Countdown apps are amazing for this!! $X to go for your discount/free shipping

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