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Life Changing Friends

Sometimes you can pinpoint the days in your life that have been the start of big changes.  Three years ago today was one of those days.

It was the first get-together of my amazing group of business besties.

It was the 2nd time I met Nic.

It was the day Jo changed life.  She changed my perspective, opened my mindset, and started me on the path to the place I am at now. Which, by the way, is a much better place than the one I was at 3 years ago!!

At lunch that day I was going to have salad (blah, but you know…) and either chicken wings or black pudding rolls – don’t judge me, it’s lovely stuff!

The salad wasn’t my first choice, or even my second. So why did I think I needed to?  I don’t know either. And nor did Jo. So, I did what makes me happy, and chose to care less about what other people thought.

This meant that when my hair fell out, unlike last time, I didn’t hide it. I told people. I stopped caring what other people thought of me.

It meant I felt I could be more visible and it didn’t matter what other people thought.

And instead of thinking “Why would people buy from me when xxx is so much better than me?” I started thinking I was of more value than I gave myself credit for.

The feeling of that day stays with me. It was a day of building friendships, but I had no idea how far these friendships would carry me.

And, on top of that she is sarcastic, and majestic, with a very dark sense of humour. What’s not to love?

Jo Watson.  Life changer.