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How to use Google Trends

If you’ve been with us for a while, you might remember Lesley’s Baps… If not, you can have a peek here. (Side note, I don’t call them baps… I call them buns!). We all need to know how to use Google Trends

That’s just one of the ways that you can use Google Trends to help figure out what people (specifically people you want to buy your stuff). There’s actually quite a few ways that we can use to tell what people are searching for, when and whether they call them buns or baps. Check out Tuesday’s email to watch the Masterclass we did on this.

That’s the kind of stuff we cover in Pick N Fix, as well as:

  • SODS (our email marketing quick-start guide)
  • Googlies (a term we made up, but covers how plug your site into the G-thing)
  • SEO – getting found online without ads or social media.

I’m going to stop spamming your inbox for now! Going forward I’ll in touch weekly, or so to let you know what we’re up to and what changes are out there that might impact you. We’ll also tell you how we can help!