Table of Contents
Your Business and Covid 19
We know there is a lot of official guidance regarding businesses and Covid 19, especially given that so many businesses are currently closed or having to pivot online.
This is a more informal guide for your business and Covid 19, designed just to give you some practical pointers about the activities that you can actually be doing, regardless of whether you’re still opening, operating slightly differently, or closed for the foreseeable future.

Update Your Google My Business
Communication is crucial at this time for your business. People are likely to use new suppliers that they know are open for business. One of the easiest ways to communicate this is to update your GMB listing with a post that tells people whether it’s business as usual, reduced services or products, and how they can contact you. Make sure you include a call to action on your post!
Putting a banner on your homepage that communicates the status of your business and Covid 19 will reassure those who visit it. It’s also great for reassuring the public that if you are open you are safeguarding your staff, and if not then how they can contact you.

Continue to Be Active on Social Media
Whether you’re open or closed, continuing to be active on social media is very important. It reassures your clients that you haven’t just packed up and left, and also allows you to connect with them in a more human way.
Your posts don’t have to be all about your business and Covid 19; they could be memes, gifs, helpful ideas and even competitions to keep people engaged.
If you’re closed right now, it’s all the more vital to keep reminding people that you’re in this together.

Now is the time to fix all those niggling things that have been bothering you; need to update your website, build your email list, set up some opt-ins, fix your branding, work on your SEO??? Now is the time!
Remain in contact with your audience, just because. Give them some guidance, tips and help. This is where really knowing your ideal client can help massively – if your audience is 30-something mums who probably have kids at home, you can send them ideas to keep the kids entertained and save their sanity.
If you’re a wedding supplier, then help out your brides by giving them tips on rebooking their weddings for another season… there are tons of ideas of how you can serve and help, and they will remember that!

Digital Products
We’ve discussed the importance of passive income streams before, and now it’s more important than ever. Our friend and client, Joelle Byrne runs a free Facebook Group for passive income ideas for your business. If you’ve ever thought about teaching what you do, creating printables or an ebook of your biz, running a course, an online membership…. again, now is the time!
Check In
If you run a community, a group or just have a chunky following on social media or your website, check in with your audience. Ask them how they are, what they’re struggling with and how you can help.