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Small Business Blog

Welcome to the Digital Fixers Small Business Blog

We love a good blog over at #FixersHQ and we hope that you enjoy ours. And if you want to keep up to date with our blogs, other news and laughs, sign up on the right.

We think all small business should blog, and if you want some tips and resources, go see our great friend Jo over at agoodwriteup.  At the very least sign up to get her blogs straight in your inbox.

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Passive Income 2020

Passive Income 2020

Today we’re thrilled that the super talented and knowledgeable Joelle Byrne is sharing an insight into Passive Income. You can find out more about Joelle

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Ideal Client

Ideal Client

What Is An Ideal Client? An ideal client isn’t just someone who would pay you a shit-ton of money for something you find easy, although

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Digital Coaches UK

Digital Coach

Digital Coach – WTF is a Digital Coach Anyway? When Lesley and I first ‘got together’ we knew what we wanted to do, but we

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